@xavdid does Advent of Code

Rain Risk

Published: 2020-12-12 Original Prompt

Part 1

Another straightforward one! No tricks, no fancy algorithms, just following instructions. After day 11’s odd grid, I was personally happy to back to a more standard X/Y plane. In any case, let’s start with a class and some constants:

COMPASS = ["N", "E", "S", "W"]
class Ship:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
# index in the compass
self.facing = 0

Our ship has two main actions, moving and rotating. Moving is more verbose, but simple.

Our grid is much like high school algebra: (0,0) is in the middle of an infinite plane. X increases in value to the right; Y increases when going up. The only interesting bit is that F is equal to a move in whatever direction we’re already facing:

def move(self, direction: str, distance: int):
if direction == "F":
direction = self.facing
if direction == "N":
self.y += distance
elif direction == "S":
self.y -= distance
elif direction == "E":
self.x += distance
elif direction == "W":
self.x -= distance

Rotating is slightly more interesting. The goal is to have a clean way to move through the COMPASS declared above. As a rule of thumb, whenever you have to loop through a finite list, the general pattern is new_index = (index + num_steps) % len(my_list). The % operator ensures our new_index never exceeds the length of the list, which is convenient. The rotate method translates the L and R commands into a number of steps (maybe negative) and calculates the new direction:

def rotate(self, direction: str, degrees: int):
num_steps = degrees // 90
if direction == "L":
num_steps *= -1
self.facing = (self.facing + num_steps) % len(COMPASS)

Now all we need is to parse the input and string those functions together:

def execute(self, instructions: List[str]):
for instruction in instructions:
move_type = instruction[0]
value = int(instruction[1:])
if move_type in DIRECTIONS:
self.move(move_type, value)
self.rotate(move_type, value)

Calculating the distance from 0 is easy with Python’s abs (absolute value) function:

def distance(self) -> int:
return abs(self.x) + abs(self.y)

Finally, our actual solution:

ship = Ship()
return ship.distance()

Part 2

Much like in previous days, day 2 requires us to modify our part 1 code and add some logic branches.

First, we add a few new variables to our class to hold which mode we’re in (waypoint or not):

def __init__(self, waypoint=False) -> None:
self.waypoint = waypoint
self.waypoint_x = 10
self.waypoint_y = 1

Our move method has to now mostly move the waypoint coordinates instead of the ship. The notable change is that an F move in waypoint mode moves the distance times the offset. Otherwise, everything is familiar:

def move(self, direction: str, distance: int):
if self.waypoint:
if direction == "F":
self.x += distance * self.waypoint_x
self.y += distance * self.waypoint_y
elif direction == "N":
self.waypoint_y += distance
elif direction == "S":
self.waypoint_y -= distance
elif direction == "E":
self.waypoint_x += distance
elif direction == "W":
self.waypoint_x -= distance
# part 1 code

The part that too me the longest to wrap my head around was rotating the waypoint. I had to read the prompt about 8 times:

The waypoint [is at] 10 units east and 4 units north of the ship. R90 … [moves] it to 4 units east and 10 units south of the ship.

In numbers, our waypoint goes from (10, 4) to (4, -10). If we had rotated L instead, we would have gone from (10, 4) to (-4, 10). So each time we rotate, there are two steps:

  1. Swap values
  2. Swap positivity for either X or Y. Based on the examples above, L rotation means we swap the (now) x value. R is the opposite.

We have to do both of the above for each of the rotation steps. These rules lead to straightforward code:

def rotate(self, direction: str, degrees: int):
num_steps = degrees // 90
if self.waypoint:
for _ in range(num_steps):
temp = self.waypoint_y
self.waypoint_y = self.waypoint_x
self.waypoint_x = temp
# when turning L, the new X swaps sign
# opposite is true for R
if direction == "L":
self.waypoint_x *= -1
self.waypoint_y *= -1
# part 1 code

The solution code is nearly identical:

ship = Ship(waypoint=True)
return ship.distance()