@xavdid does Advent of Code

Binary Diagnostic

Published: 2021-12-03 Original Prompt

Part 1

Though the binary math may look intimidating, we can actually avoid it entirely. At least in part 1, it’s just a red herring. Instead of binary numbers, think of them as strings where each character can only have a single value.

This would be easy enough to with an list of lists, each representing a “column” in the arranged input (the first character of each line). We could iterate through the input and then iterate through each line, adding the value to its matching list. Then we’d need to iterate each list and count the values. It would be a fair amount of code, but it would work!

Luckily, we know a couple of Python tricks that will drastically simplify this one.

There are two major things to tackle:

  1. How to “rotate” the input
  2. How to count the lists

Let’s do them in order.

When I say “rotate”, instead of a 3-length list where each element has length 5:


We want a 5 item list where each element has length 3:

("0", "1", "1"),
("0", "1", "0"),
("1", "1", "1"),
("0", "1", "1"),
("0", "0", "0"),

It might look hard, but we already know the function for this. It’s zip, as mentioned in the bonus part of the day 1 solution. It takes many lists and gives you lists of the 1st element from each, the 2nd element from each, etc. But, all we have now are a single list of strings. We want to call zip('00100', '11110', '10110'), but we can’t type that out ahead of time- it has to be dynamically called using our input.

Enter Python’s “spread operator”, the humble asterisk *. It tells Python that instead of passing this list to a function as a single list, transform it into individual arguments:

l = [1,2,3]
def func(a, b, c):
print(a, b, c)
# => func() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'
# => "1 2 3"

The spread operator lets us call zip(*self.input) and get the exact structure we need! :tada:

Next is counting. It’s easy to do by hand, but Python’s ever-helpful collections package includes a Counter class. Pass it an iterable (anything that can be iterated over) and it’ll count how many times each element appears:

from collections import Counter
Counter(("0", "1", "1"))
# => Counter({'1': 2, '0': 1})

Even better, it comes with a most_common method, which will sort the output:

Counter(("0", "1", "1")).most_common()
# => [('1', 2), ('0', 1)]

So some_counter.most_common()[0][0] gives us the string which appears the most time.

Wrap that all up and we’ve got our gamma value:

from collections import Counter
gamma = "".join(
for place_values in zip(*self.input)
# => 10110

Because each line can only have 2 possible values, you know that for each most common character, the “opposite” one is the least common. So, we invert that string:

epsilon = []
for c in gamma:
if c == '1':
epsilon = ''.join(epsilon)
# or, shrunk down:
epsilon = "".join(["0" if c == "1" else "1" for c in gamma])

It’s good not to pack too much functionality into a single line, but in this case, I find it readable enough.

savvy readers will notice that I broke my guideline from literally yesterday where I cautioned against having an else at the end of a block to catch defaults. In this case, binary is really does only have the two options, so it’s safe enough.

All that’s left is to convert our answers from a string to a binary number, and multiply them:

return int(gamma, 2) * int(epsilon, 2)

The 2 here tells Python to parse the input as a “base 2”, or “binary” number. Other types of numbers work too, such as 8, 16, and our default counting system of 10.

Part 2

Part 2 is definitely an exercise in reading comprehension. It’s similar to part 1, but we’re filtering the list as we go, so we can’t just zip our whole self.input. Instead, we’ll have to get a count of the bits in a given position for all remaining numbers. Easy enough:

place_to_check = 0
values = self.input
counts = Counter([i[place_to_check] for i in values])

That works for our first loop, but we’ll have to make it more dynamic as we shrink that list down. We’ll circle back to that though- let’s finish our algorithm first. We need to build a result that has the bits that our answer should start with. We get that value from counts depending on which of the two is higher:

result = ""
if counts["1"] > counts["0"]:
result += "1"
elif counts["0"] > counts["1"]:
result += "0"
result += "1"

Then, we re-filter our values to keep only those that start with the right sequence:

values = [n for n in values if n.startswith(result)]`

Python’s .startswith makes this easy, as does being able to include an if statement in a list comprehension.

Our current approach works great for the first loop, but we need to plug wire everything else together. We can wrap the above in a while loop, which keeps going until we’ve got exactly 1 value left. We can also ditch manually tracking place_to_check, since it’ll be the same as len(result). So, all together:

values = self.input
result = ""
while len(values) > 1:
place_to_check = len(result)
counts = Counter([i[place_to_check] for i in values])
if counts["1"] > counts["0"]:
result += "1"
elif counts["0"] > counts["1"]:
result += "0"
result += "1"
values = [n for n in values if n.startswith(result)]

When the loop exits, we’ll have a values list with exactly one item, which is the 02 result. The process for C02 is similar, but what goes into result changes - it takes the less popular option and 0 in case of ties. So, let’s put our algorithm in a function and make it configurable:

from typing import Literal, Union
one_or_zero = Union[Literal["0"], Literal["1"]]
class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def filter_list(
val_if_1_higher: one_or_zero,
val_if_0_higher: one_or_zero,
val_if_tied: one_or_zero,
) -> str:
values = self.input
result = ""
while len(values) > 1:
place_to_check = len(result)
counts = Counter([i[place_to_check] for i in values])
if counts["1"] > counts["0"]:
result += val_if_1_higher
elif counts["0"] > counts["1"]:
result += val_if_0_higher
result += val_if_tied
values = [n for n in values if n.startswith(result)]
return values[0]

Same basic idea, but we can manually specify what happens in each of the 3 cases. This makes our final puzzle solution:

o2 = self.filter_list("1", "0", "1")
co2 = self.filter_list("0", "1", "0")
return int(o2, 2) * int(co2, 2)