@xavdid does Advent of Code

Boiling Boulders

Published: 2022-12-31 Original Prompt

Part 1

Given that our input is relatively small, I think we can get away with a quick and dirty solution today. We’ll make a set of the 3D points from our input, then iterate the neighbors for each cube to see which are missing.

First, our input:

GridPoint3D = tuple[int, int, int]
class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
points: set[GridPoint3D] = {
tuple(map(int, line.split(","))) for line in self.input

Next, a little helper to get the neighbors in 3D. My built-in function doesn’t do 3D (yet), so I wrote a little one:

from itertools import product
from typing import Iterable
def neighbors_3d(p: GridPoint3D) -> Iterable[GridPoint3D]:
for idx, offset in product(range(3), (-1, 1)):
copied = list(p)
copied[idx] += offset
yield tuple(copied)

Lastly, we count the number of neighbors that arne’t in the set:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
for p in points:
for neighbor in neighbors_3d(p):
if neighbor not in points:
total += 1
return total

Part 2

Part 2 is very similar to part 1, but we have to ignore blocks that aren’t reachable from the exterior of the structure. To find those, we do a pretty standard flood-fill algorithm to classify every point in the grid.

So, let’s make a structure to track status of each point:

from enum import Enum, auto
class PointState(Enum):
ROCK = auto()
REACHABLE = auto()
class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_2(self) -> int:
# input parsing from part 1
points = self.parse_points()
grid: defaultdict[GridPoint3D, PointState] = defaultdict(
lambda: PointState.UNREACHABLE
for p in points:
grid[p] = PointState.ROCK

Now that we have our rock structure expressed in the grid, we can run the fill algorithm. We’ll do a breadth-first search, which steps through reachable points and all all neighbors to the queue. It shares a lot of implementation details with the depth-first search we used to back our Dijkstra’s algorithm in days 12 and 16. The only thing left to calculate is the max size of the grid (so we know when to stop checking out into space)

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_2(self) -> int:
size = 0
for p in points:
size = max(size, *p)
size += 1 # grid that's 1 bigger than the biggest dimension

Now we’re ready to begin! We’ll start in the corner ((0,0,0)) and add neighbors to our queue (as long as we haven’t seen them, they haven’t been found already, and they’re in bounds):

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_2(self) -> int:
seen: set[GridPoint3D] = set()
queue: list[GridPoint3D] = [(0, 0, 0)]
while queue:
current = queue.pop()
grid[current] = PointState.REACHABLE
for neighbor in neighbors_3d(current):
if (
grid[neighbor] == PointState.UNREACHABLE
and neighbor not in seen
and all(-1 <= x <= size for x in neighbor)

And finally, we re-run our part 1 with a slightly different condition. I couldn’t think of a clever way to condense these (since they both have separate conditions), so we’ll just re-write it:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_2(self) -> int:
total = 0
for p in points:
for neighbor in neighbors_3d(p):
if grid[neighbor] == PointState.REACHABLE:
total += 1
return total