@xavdid does Advent of Code

Rope Bridge

Published: 2022-12-10 Original Prompt

Part 1

Though it may look like we want to create a grid today, we don’t actually need to. Instead, each rope knot will have a position, represented by a 2-tuple. The starting position is (0,0) and x and y increase to the right and up, respectively (just like the grid you learned in grade school).

Past that, I wasn’t quite sure where to start; the prompt described the algorithm well enough, but I didn’t have a clear picture in my head of how to solve the whole thing. So, I started adding functions for what I knew I’d need and would see where that took me.

I knew that I’d have 2 ropes objects, and I’d be adding offsets to them to move them around. So, I needed a way to translate the instructions into offsets:

from typing import Tuple
GridPoint = Tuple[int, int]
def get_offset(direction: str) -> GridPoint:
if direction == "U":
return 0, 1
if direction == "R":
return 1, 0
if direction == "D":
return 0, -1
if direction == "L":
return -1, 0
raise ValueError("unrecognized direction")

Next, our RopeEnd class, representing a bit of the rope that moves. It takes a starting position, can repeat its location, and can move around. We’ll use a dataclass, one of my favorite Python features:

from dataclasses import dataclass
class RopeEnd:
x: int
y: int
def loc(self):
return self.x, self.y
def move(self, offset: GridPoint):
self.x += offset[0]
self.y += offset[1]

Now we can start filling in our solution:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
head = RopeEnd(0, 0)
tail = RopeEnd(0, 0)
locations: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = {(0, 0)}
for line in self.input:
direction, distance_str = line.split()
head_offset = get_offset(direction)
for _ in range(int(distance_str)):
return len(locations)

This is our basic setup- the head of rope moves around following the instructions. Moves are calculated as a GridPoint plus an offset (which is also a 2-tuple).

What remains is deciding when tail needs to move. Based on the prompt, the tail should move when the head is 2 away in any direction. We can build that into our class, plus a method to get the distance between two points:

class RopeEnd:
def offset(self, other: "RopeEnd") -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y
def too_far(self, other: "RopeEnd") -> bool:
x, y = self.offset(other)
return abs(x) > 1 or abs(y) > 1

The last piece we need is to calculate the tail’s offset once we know we should move, which is part that took me the longest. There are two major cases:

  1. the offset is a combination of (maybe negative) 2 and 0, so the tail needs to move 1 in a single direction
  2. the offset is a combination of 2 and 1 (each of which could be negative). The tail should move 1 in each direction (either or both of which could be negative).

So, I wrote a function to cover each case:

def squish_offset(i: int) -> int:
if i == 0:
return 0
if i > 0:
return i - 1
return i + 1
def squish_big_offset(i: int) -> int:
mult = 1 if i > 0 else -1
if abs(i) == 2:
return (abs(i) - 1) * mult
return i

It’s not the most elegant, but it does work. We’ll clean it up later. Lastly, we call it:

def get_catchup_offset(head: RopeEnd, tail: RopeEnd) -> Tuple[int, int]:
x, y = head.offset(tail)
# either (2, 0) or (2, 1) in any order, with negatives
assert (
abs(x) == 2 or abs(y) == 2
), f"should be at most 2 away in any one direction (got {x, y})"
if x == 0 or y == 0:
return squish_offset(x), squish_offset(y)
assert abs(x) == 1 or abs(y) == 1
return squish_big_offset(x), squish_big_offset(y)

I sprinkled some assertions in to make sure I was calling the function with what I expect.

Finally, we can string it all together:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
for line in self.input:
for _ in range(int(distance_str)):
if head.too_far(tail):
tail_offset = get_catchup_offset(head, tail)
return len(locations)

Each time head moves, we check if tail should move. If it does, we calculate the offset, move it, and store its location in a set. There’s our part 1!

Part 2

Part 2 involved a larger rope. This isn’t much harder, but we will benefit from some code re-cleanup. Let’s start with our offsets calculations. I knew there was a more elegant way to write them, but it didn’t click into place until I added a comment about their inputs and outputs:

def squish_offset(i: int) -> int:
takes either 0, 2, or -2 and returns 0, 1, or -1 respectively
def squish_big_offset(i: int) -> int:
takes 2, -2, 1, or -1 and returns 1, -1, 1, or -1 respectively

We need to match the sign and return 1, -1, and 0 depending on the input. Much clearer than what I had originally:

def squish_offset(i: int) -> int:
if i > 0:
return 1
if i < 0:
return -1
return 0

The other big change is that instead of 2 ropes, we have 10 of them. It’s no longer feasible to keep track of each individually in head and tail variables, so we’ll load them into a list. This also means we should modify our class to keep track of its own location. We also know that they always start at (0, 0), so we can provide those as defaults:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class RopeEnd:
x: int = 0
y: int = 0
locations: Set[GridPoint] = field(default_factory=lambda: {(0, 0)})
def move(self, offset: GridPoint):
self.x += offset[0]
self.y += offset[1]

We have to use the default_factory because dataclasses can’t take mutable types as parameters (just like defaults in functions); you can read more here.

We should also move our whole part 1 solution into a function that we can call with a rope size:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def simulate_rope(self, rope_size: int) -> int:
rope = [RopeEnd() for i in range(rope_size)]

Our code here is mostly the same, but I moved the too_far function off the class an to a standalone function that takes a pre-calculated offset:

def should_move(o: GridPoint) -> bool:
return abs(o[0]) > 1 or abs(o[1]) > 1
class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def simulate_rope(self, rope_size: int) -> int:
rope = [RopeEnd() for i in range(rope_size)]
for line in self.input:
direction, distance_str = line.split()
head_offset = get_offset(direction)
for _ in range(int(distance_str)):
for a, b in zip(rope, rope[1:]):
tail_offset = a.offset(b)
if should_move(tail_offset):
b.move(tuple(map(squish_offset, tail_offset)))
return len(rope[-1].locations)
def part_1(self) -> int:
return self.simulate_rope(2)
def part_2(self) -> int:
return self.simulate_rope(10)

The big change is that we use zip to iterate through each pair of rope segments in order. Then we report the locations of the last one. This will work for ropes of any length, so go nuts!