@xavdid does Advent of Code

Cathode-Ray Tube

Published: 2022-12-11 Original Prompt

Part 1

I’ll be honest, today looked intimidating. I was worried that tracking which parts of my program were supposed to happen before/during/after the cycle would be really tricky. All it took were some well placed comments and I was feeling better about it.

The other tricky thing to wrap your head around is that unlike most days, we’re not iterating over self.input. Instead, we’re counting up the current cycle and reading selectively from self.input.

Anyway, the code. First things first, we need the bones of our solution. We’re counting up to 220 cycles, so we can wrap everything in a range:

REPORTING_CYCLES = {20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220}
class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
result = 0
x = 1 # starts at 1, not 0!
for cycle in range(1, 221):
# start cycle!
result += cycle * x
# end cycle!
return result

So far so good. We know where to put the code that happens during and after each cycle. Our answer calculation is set up right (except that x never changes, we’ll fix that soon).

Next are the instructions! Instead of iterating through them each time there’s a cycle, we need to store and increment an index that points to the instruction we’re currently processing. We’ll increment that after a cycle if we completed an addx instruction or if it was a noop. So, we also need code to track if we’re processing an addx. Lastly, we should apply modifications to x Let’s put that all in:

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
def part_1(self) -> int:
... # initialize values
instruction_pointer = 0
in_addx = False
for cycle in range(1, 221):
# start cycle!
instruction = self.input[instruction_pointer].split()
addx = 0
if instruction == ["noop"]:
elif instruction[0] == "addx":
in_addx = False
addx = int(instruction[1])
in_addx = True
... # report values
# end cycle!
if not in_addx:
x += addx
instruction_pointer += 1

With that code in place, we’ll start an addx instruction during a cycle and we won’t modify x until after the next cycle. We also store the modification to x and apply it as needed. Then, once we’ve finished the instruction (by modifying x), we increment our instruction index.

It’s a little funny looking, but it works swimmingly. On to part 2!

Part 2

This is another one that takes some time to wrap our head around. The value of x is actually represents a small range. If our cycle is within that range (during the cycle) then we light up a pixel. Otherwise, we don’t. Luckily, we don’t have much code to add!

class Solution(StrSplitSolution):
# renamed part_1 -> solve
def solve(self) -> Tuple[int, str]:
pixels = []
# update 221 -> 241
for cycle in range(1, 241):
# start cycle!
if x - 1 <= (cycle - 1) % 40 <= x + 1:
# end cycle!
"".join(l) for l in [pixels[i : i + 40] for i in range(0, 241, 40)]

x is actually the range of (x-1, x+1), so we check if cycle (shifted to a 0-index, mod 40) is in that range.1 That part is straightforward enough, but our printing bears breaking down a little bit.

This is actually the same algorithm we used in day 3 to get chunks from a list. For reach chunk, we join all of the pixels in that slice (which is exactly 40-long), and then join those stringified lines with newlines to make a little monitor. We could have also broken it out like this:

lines = []
for i in range(0, 241, 40):
lines.append(''.join(pixels[i : i + 40]))

But, we might as well nest some list comprehensions at the finish line.


  1. It wasn’t until my little monitor printed a correct-looking first line and a blank rest of everything did I realize the % 40 was important here.